Radiation Related Terms

Basic Terms


Radiation is energy in transit in the form of high speed particles and electromagnetic waves. We encounter electromagnetic waves every day. They make up our visible light, radio and television waves, ultra violet (UV), and microwaves with a large spectrum of energies. These examples of electromagnetic waves do not cause ionizations of atoms because they do not carry enough energy to separate molecules or remove electrons from atoms.

Ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits, causing the atom to become charged or ionized. Examples are gamma rays and neutrons.

Non-ionizing radiation

Non-ionizing radiation is radiation without enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits around atoms. Examples are microwaves and visible light.

Health Physics

Health Physics is an interdisciplinary science and its application, for the radiation protection of humans and the environment. Health Physics combines the elements of physics, biology, chemistry, statistics and electronic instrumentation to provide information that can be used to protect individuals from the effects of radiation. For more on Health Physics, visit the career section of the Health Physics Society


Radioactivity is the spontaneous transformation of an unstable atom and often results in the emission of radiation. This process is referred to as a transformation, a decay or a disintegrations of an atom.

Radioactive Material

Radioactive Material is any material that contains radioactive atoms.

Radioactive Contamination

Radioactive contamination is radioactive material distributed over some area, equipment or person. It tends to be unwanted in the location where it is, and has to be cleaned up or decontaminated.

Common Types of Radiation

Gamma Rays

Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves or photons emitted from the nucleus (center) of an atom.


A beta is a high speed particle, identical to an electron, that is emitted from the nucleus of an atom


An alpha is a particle emitted from the nucleus of an atom, that contains two protons and two neutrons. It is identical to the nucleus of a Helium atom, without the electrons.


Neutrons are neutral particles that are normally contained in the nucleus of all atoms and may be removed by various interactions or processes like collision and fission

X rays

X Rays are electromagnetic waves or photons not emitted from the nucleus, but normally emitted by energy changes in electrons. These energy changes are either in electron orbital shells that surround an atom or in the process of slowing down such as in an X-ray machine.

Terms Related to Radiation Dose

Chronic dose

A Chronic dose means a person received a radiation dose over a long period of time.

Acute dose

An acute dose means a person received a radiation dose over a short period of time.

Somatic effects

Somatic effects are effects from some agent, like radiation that are seen in the individual who receives the agent.

Genetic effects

Genetic effects are effects from some agent, that are seen in the offspring of the individual who received the agent. The agent must be encountered pre-conception.

Teratogenic effects

Teratogenic effects are effects from some agent, that are seen in the offspring of the individual who received the agent. The agent must be encountered during the gestation period.

Stochastic effects

Stochastic effects are effects that occur on a random basis with its effect being independent of the size of dose. The effect typically has no threshold and is based on probabilities, with the chances of seeing the effect increasing with dose. Cancer is a stochastic effect.

Non-stochastic effect

Non-stochastic effects are effects that can be related directly to the dose received. The effect is more severe with a higher dose, i.e., the burn gets worse as dose increases. It typically has a threshold, below which the effect will not occur. A skin burn from radiation is a non-stochastic effect.